With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: aim of paper is determine the use rates of digital audio archive of the broadcasting of Islamic republic of Iran by radio broadcasters and evaluation of users community of audio archive software in order to determine the use of digital archives by different users (such as producers, editors and other agents of the programs) in producing and broadcasting programs and their validity.
Methodology: the present research prepared based on applied methodology and analytical research method. The data was gathered through questionnaire. T-test and Friedman tests, Pearson Correlation Coefficient were used for analysis of the information.
Findings: The results of the research indicate that there is a meaningful relation in the needs of digital archive users. The most of broadcasters in radio channels prefer to use music archives. Therefore we can conclude that the broadcasters prefer to use less archive resources due to the less application of those resources. The resources such as songs, speeches and Quran have fewer applications and are mostly used in ceremonies and special occasions. Radio programs are used less than other programs due to special limitations.
Conclusion: considering that the objective of preparing and providing the information was enhancing the information needs of the users and offering services to the broadcasters, so providing better information is depended on recognition of information needs of the users. The suitable recognition of digital archive and the existed resources by broadcasters will result in more application of existed resources in the archive as well as their better application. 

Main Subjects

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