With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof, information technology&computer group,payamenoor University

2 information technologyManagement, payamenoor University


Knowledge management in the organization is considered one of the most essential elements of management, which is of great importance in the age of data explosion. Organizations are continuously producing information and knowledge and without a coherent and integrated system to identify, extract, store and share that organization will never have the ability to be in the competitive market. On the other hand, in recent years, with the emergence of diverse and extensive social networks and due to the high reception of users, these tools play a fundamental role in the production and transfer of knowledge in the organization. Active users in these networks as producers and transmitters of knowledge have many indicators to evaluate. In this article, two categories of indicators including knowledge sharing and user loyalty and satisfaction indicators are used. Using multi-criteria decision-making techniques, qualitative analysis of indicators has been done. Next, using the proposed clustering method, customers (users) were clustered based on the identified indicators. Then, using artificial neural network and ideal mathematical modeling, the problem of knowledge sharing in social networks was modeled with the approach of simultaneously improving loyalty and knowledge level among users. The presented model was solved for the research data using an algorithm based on the particle swarm optimization method and the results were analyzed.


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