With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Msc, Department of Crime Prevention, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran.


This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the impact of modern information and communication technologies and digital equipments on crime control and prevention in police stations. This research is one of the qualitative researches that its data was collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews with experts in the field of information technology and crime prevention. The number of participants in the research process was determined basically by theoretical saturation principle and they were selected using the Purposive sampling method. After being converted into text, Data were classified and coded and were analyzed using Atlas.ti qualitative content analysis software.In the advanced countries of the world, the use of new information technology in police stations has made the police successful in preventing crime and reducing the occurrence of crime, and has brought people's satisfaction. The most important effects of using information technology on crime prevention in police stations; Improving accuracy, speed and quality in providing services, making correct decisions, increasing people's satisfaction and productivity in crime prevention (crime reduction), which are the main factors in improving effectiveness, relative advantage and efficiency in police stations. The basic use of information technology in police stations by reducing physical interactions, costs and focusing the structure of the organization through the elimination of additional processes in carrying out missions and increasing the speed, accuracy and quality in predicting and controlling crimes; It leads to the effective prevention of crime in society and increases people's trust in the police.


Main Subjects

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