With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


Purpose: Visualization is a new approach that provides more accurate and precise decision-making abilities with less cognitive efforts on the basis of data and decreases the need for the instruction of information perception. Information visualization is a useful and practical tool and relevant to knowledge and information science and seems to require special attention. Therefore, this research was done to study usable instances of visualization techniques in the field of knowledge and information science.
Methodology: The method used in this research was documentary and search in the related sources. Investigatory and explanatory techniques were used to learn about the related literature in visualization.
Findings: The results of studying usable instances of visualization techniques in the field of knowledge and information science indicate that this tool is helpful in areas such as digital libraries (Textual and non-textual information resources visualization, information retrieval visualization, search results visualization, knowledge visualization and user interface visualization), web search results, user interfaces, archives, information retrieval, scientometrics and social networks.
Conclusion: Based on the findings of this research, familiarizing librarians with visualization techniques and using them in various settings seems to be necessary. 


Main Subjects