With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: Data mining is one of the ways to analyze and use the data by using statistic and logical analysis of large-scale deals to institutions helps in obtaining major decisions. This study aims to identify the most important data mining applications in the field of knowledge and information science on the basis of data mining applications in other scientific fields.
Methodology: In this study trying to identify applications of data mining from a literature review and analysis of data mining applications in the fields of banking, risk management, hospitality management, trade, and industry statistics used.
Results: The results showed that data mining in different parts of the field of knowledge and information science including: information search, acquisition, management and library services, data collection clients of library, retain the loyalty of clients, who fired, the resources available in the library (stocks of the library) , Bank intelligence gathering resources, using interlibrary loan and collection applications, it became clear that the integrity of data and cost data for better performance and more cost-utility library's.
Results: Data mining applications in the field of knowledge and information science more specific parts of the loan, reference, and set building. But it can also in other sectors of data mining to analyze the data in order to better achieve the objectives of the field and the library. 


Main Subjects

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