With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate the scientific products' state at Isfahan University in the form of in-university research projects.
Methodology: Descriptive method was used and all in-university research designs were studied at Isfahan University. a descriptive method was used in this study. All in-university research plans were investigated. The information regarding plans was collected through referring to documents archive in the center of communication with industry at Isfahan University, the department of in-university plans. The information of these plans was classified in tables which were designed according to these documents. After organizing and classifying, the data were interred into Excel spread sheet and the final analysis was conducted via SPSS software version 17.
Finding: 92. 07% of the executives had PhD degree and more than half of them (68. 29%) had the rank of assistant professor. The most frequent plans were in the majors of mathematics and biology and the department of science was more active in this regard than the others at Isfahan University. Further, 87. 80% of research plan executives were men and most of the them (about 40. 24%) didn’t have any colleague. 49. 39% of the plans were in fundamental type. 35. 97% of research plans had article and 58. 54% of them had scientific output. Most of the research plans were conducted in 2008.
Results: Finding show that internal and external factors can affect scientific productions. 


Main Subjects

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