With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: this study aims to investigateand measuring the application ofinfluencing factors onusers'loyalty in public libraries based on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) concepts.
Methodology: this is a descriptive- analytical study in survey type and also in applicable by purpose. Gathering data was a researcher made questionaire. Validity and reliability is0. 961through Cronbach Alpha coefficient that is considered a high coefficient. the quantitative results were acquired from a researcher made questionnaire. Statistical community includes, librarians of artistic & cultural organization of Qom municipality and national Institution of public libraries; the samples are 265 oneschosen by random sampling (cochran formula). Friedmanand t- student test were used in analyzing and comparing effective factors on loyalty in the libraraies.
Findings: The findings indicate evrery effective factors on users' loyalty based on CRM inTehran public libraries include: organizational cultural elements, user strategy, organizational structure,management support, organizational process, human force, technology, knowledge management factors. Testing first hypothesis states that equality of observing survey variables in public libraries is rejected. Testing the second hypothesis indicate that there is not significant relation ship among organizational cultural elements, organizational structure, technology, knowledge management factors, organizational process and human force separated by the libararies and also there is a significant relationship between users' startegy and management support separated by the libraries.
Results: the results of this study indicatethat users' loyalty and applying CRM in Institution of public libraries is lower than average level and it is average for artistic & cultural organization of Qom municipality


Main Subjects

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