With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: This research is trying to explain the strength and weakness of Science Direct and Emerald charging database and DOAJ free database.
Methodology: It is a quantitative study and the research samples are all available database in Tehran universities. Among these databases, DOAJ, Emerald and Science Direct are selected because of their frequency of usage and similarities of searching tools and organization. Assessment of these databases are done according to two research made checklist that examines their organizations and searching tools. For analyze finding of this research with descriptive method such as frequency and mean and inferential study such as t- test and u Mann Whitney.
Findings: Research findings show that mean frequency of organization in Science Direct, Emerald and Doaj are 73%, 56%, 41% respectively. Mean frequency of searching tools are 68%, 57% and 38% respectively.
Conclusion: Analysis of the data shows that charging data bases such as Science Direct and Emerald are performing better than free data bases in organization and searching. 


Main Subjects

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