With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: This research aims to measuring the entrepreneurship organizational behavior of staff of public libraries in the Zanjan province.
Methodology: This study is practical and used a survey method. The study population was included all staff of public libraries that consists of 112 individuals of province. The research instrument was a standard questionnaire Moustakis and Zampetekis (2007) which the reliability of it is approved and Cronbach's alpha coefficient is calculated to 0. 72 For analysis the data, the descriptive and inferential statistical methods by software SPSS version 22 are used.
Findings: The results showed that librarians of public libraries of the Zanjan province have an entrepreneurial vision and entrepreneurial culture is a dominant organizational culture in the public libraries of province. Also, this research presented which public libraries of the Zanjan province having a supportive environment favorable for support the creative and entrepreneurial librarians. In addition, the personnel with library certificate are more favorable entrepreneurial traits rather to those having none this certificate.
Conclousion: According to the results of testing hypotheses, it can be inferred that Zanjan public librarians, have entrepreneurial characteristics


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