With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Masters of Commercial Management, Islamic Azad University, Neishabour Branch, Neishabour, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Commercial Management, Islamic Azad University, Neishabour Branch, Neishabour, Iran.


Purpose: The purpose of this study is to present a comprehensive review on the literature available on commercialization of knowledge-based products in Iran so as to determine and rank the most affecting facors considering export facilitating approach.
Methodology: with regard to the purpose, this research could be known as a functional research being done as analytical survey. The statistical group includes 133 faculty members of Islamic Azad university of Mashhad in which a sample of 71 members have been randomly selected based on Cochran formula. To find the importance degree of effective factors and to rank them, we then applied the descriptive and deductive statistic techniques within SPSS software as well as the Friedman test on the data gathered from questionnaire.
Findings: among the four main determined affecting factors of commercialization process of knowledge-based products, in final ranking, the economical and legal factors with mean of 4.11 and export facilitator factors with the mean of 4 received the highest rank respectively. Furthermore the technical factors and cultural and social factors with mean score of 3.95 and 3.94 could be implied as thired and forth factors.
Conclusion: the Likert Spectrum questionnaire with high reliability has been prepared on the basis of which, 4 main criteria including 22 sub-criteria have been considered as the affecting factors of commercialization process for commercializing the knowledge-based products in Iran. These identified affecting factors could be then taken into consideration for proposing executive solutions to create a coherent program for planning and organizing favorable conditions for the commercialization and export of knowledge based products and removing existing barriers. 


Main Subjects

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