With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M. Sc. Student. Knowledge & Information Science, Islamic Azad University of North Tehran Branch

2 Associate Professor. Knowledge and Information Science, Islamic Azad University of North Tehran Branch


Purpose: The present research was performed to evaluate the quality of services in Public Libraries of under auspices of Tehran Public Libraries Foundation.
Methodology: The research method was analytical survey and the LibQUAL questionnaire was used for data collecting. The statistics society includes all 46209 members of libraries. The sample was 381 members who were selected accidentally on the basis of Morgan table. Number of 420 Questionnaires was distributed and 411 questionnaires were answered. For hypothesis testing, t student test, variance analysis test and Scheffe post hoc test were used.
Findings: Results showed that the dimension of "Affect of Services" with average level of 5. 75 had higher quality in comparison with other dimensions. The dimension of "Library as Place" with level of 4. 75 indicates users' dissatisfaction. The dimension of "Information Control" with average level of 5. 22 succeeded to answer the minimum's users' expectations.
Originality/Value: According to the results, the libraries services surveyed and some proposals presented for improving the quality of services that inform the officials of Country Public Libraries Foundation from their strengths and weaknesses about providing the level of services of libraries and help them to perceive users expectations and improve the level of services quality of libraries


Main Subjects

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