With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M. A of Department Knowledge and Information Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.

2 Masters of Knowledge and Information Science University of Isfahan


purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the performance of the tool suggestion by Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and Web crawler search engines.
Methodology: The method of this research is descriptive-exploratory. The population composed of all is search engines with suggestion tools, including five search engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask and Web crawler), based on popularity and user-friendliness. In order to achieve the research purpose, Data collection tools were designed checklists, which totally included 10 questions and 10 keywords, were selected based on the subject headings of the Persian language. Accordingly, in the first step of data collection, the search engines proposed for these 20 sample queries were searched for and the relevance of the 10 first results of each of the proposed cases was examined. and finally, based on relevance. These results compared the performance of five sample search engines in terms of the relevance of the proposed items by query samples.
Findings: The research findings indicate that the Google search engine has a better position than Yahoo's, Bing's, Ask's and Web crawler's search engines in terms of the performance of the suggestion tools in providing information related to the user's query in the form of questions and keywords in the checklist. Also, by measuring the precision of the data retrieved in these three search engines and calculating its average, Google ranked 55.68, Yahoo with 48.92, Web crawler with 46.90, Ask with 40.17 and Bing 32.62 points, in terms of the precision of the data retrieved.
Conclusions: In general, according to the findings, suggestion tools perform better in Google's search engine and, by guessing user thinking, suggests information related to the user's query.


Main Subjects

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