Document Type : Research Paper
1 MSc, Department of Knowlede and Information Science, Payame Noor University, Qom, Iran
2 Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence librarians International University of Imam Khomeini Qazvin and quality of their services.
Methodology: The research is descriptive and data collection was done using a questionnaire. The sample of this study, 23 Librarian and 334 students (of 9000 students) are members of the libraries that have been randomly selected.
Findings: According to the analysis, we observe that the mean grade of the minimum level of desired service quality is 5.98, the mean grade of the maximum level of desired service quality is 7.44 and the service quality level offered to students is 6.72. Investigating the results of the gap between the three modes (minimum level, maximum level, and the offered level) showed that in case of every 9 indices (as well as the total service quality) the exam is meaningful for both of comparing the gap of services sufficiency and the gap of services positive and supremacy. Also, the five domains of emotional intelligence, were at a desirable level.
Conclusion: The librarians have emotional intelligence and its components is a desirable level. The quality of services Libraries indicates the relative satisfaction of users of services. And that a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and the quality of services librarian there. Also, the emotional intelligence of Imam Khomeini International University's librarians influences the quality of library services to students.