With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of System Management, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of System Management, Imam Hossein University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: The present study was aimed to examine the effect of organizational learning culture on transferring explicit knowledge among the organization's employees.
Methodology: Research method was correlational descriptive. The statistical population of the research consisted of all official employees in Saveh and Zarandieh's governorships, i. e. 140 individuals from whom 103 individuals were selected. Data analysis was done using SPSS software.
Findings: Research results showed that with an increase in learning culture in an organization, there will be an increase in the level of transferring explicit knowledge among employees, and that organizational learning culture has a positive significant effect (0.95) on explicit knowledge transference.
Conclusion: It can be concluded that organizational learning culture has a direct positive significant effect on the transference of explicit knowledge. According this conclusion it has been suggested that managers should promotion Organizational Learning Culture in staff of their institute to achive the goals of knowledge management and Explicit Knowledge Transference among Employees. So It is suggested that more attention be paid to people with good taste, creativity and initiative in organizations, and to provide opportunities for increasing and transferring learning among the employees of the organization. Also support employees who have a calculated risk and allocate the necessary time to learn to employees who need more time for it.


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