With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Msc, Department of Knowledge and Information Sciences, Shahed University. Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the study priorities in public library clients based on the Eisenhower matrix.
Methodology:  This research is an analytical survey and the data collection tool is a researcher-made questionnaire on the priorities of studying information sources. The statistical population of this study are members of public libraries in Kashan city, which according to Morgan table, 390 people have been studied as a sample. The validity of the questionnaire is calculated and confirmed by obtaining the opinion of professors and experts and its reliability with Cronbach's alpha equals to 0.843. Data analysis is analyzed using SPSS20 software and Eisenhower matrix.
Findings: The findings of this study indicated that in reading the textbooks, studying the main sources is important and urgent, and studying the textbooks introduced by the teacher is important but not urgent. In reading general books, reading scientific books is important and urgent and studying religious books is important without urgency. In reading magazines and newspapers, reading public newspapers is important and urgent, and reading family, public and entertainment magazines is important without urgency. In studying media sources, watching movies and TV series is the first and most important priority and using music albums is the second most important and not urgent. In the field of mobile resources, checking personal messages through social networks, unanswered calls and text messages received on mobile phones are the most important priorities, and checking new messages on mobile phones in Telegram groups and channels and similar programs are in the next level. In terms of computer and laptop resources, reading new emails received in personal e-mail is the most important priority for reading and are urgent, and reviewing new news on favorite news sites is importance and without urgency.
Conclusion: According to the people in this survey, reading the main sources of each lesson, reading scientific books, reading public newspapers, watching movies , TV series , home network, reviewing personal messages through social networks, unanswered calls , text messages received on the phone and reading newly received emails in personal email has been the most important priority for studying in these studied fields.


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