With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper



Purpose: Managers are as a part of human resource and determinants in the society and organization, therefore, they have fundamental  role to the growth of their organizations and society. Accordingly, attention to the Directors’ QWL, as a means to attract and retain talented employees, is to achieve higher performance. So, this study was performed with the aim of a survey on Quality of work life for the public libraries directors in Mazandaran province.
Methodology: The community of this search has been 52 director in public library of this province. The type of this study is an applied research which is performed by using two ways survey including library approach along with measurement .The tools for collecting information and data was questionairs deal with investigating each variable related to the factors effected on the Quality of work life for the directors based on Walton model and after it. Consequent admissible and constant approvement was distributed within public libraries directors in Mazandaran province and then information and data was analyzed via applying pair or double sample “ T “ test Kolomograph-Smirnoph as well as Kroscal-valice tests.
Findings: This study showed that there is not meaningful difference between the province Mazandaran public libraries directors point of views in the level and value of effected factors on their QWL. It was obviously cleared that within the province Mazandaran public libraries point of views about QWL among female and male directors there is only a distinction between two factors of following rules and regulations into the organization and also social dependence in QWL among eight factors of QWL life are most concerned as a meaningful difference. Also, results showed from the point of view of public libraries directors in Mazandaran province there isn't any differences on the level of QWL according to major.
Conclusion: Results showed , there is no difference between the QWL in various cities. From the point of view of public libraries directors in Mazandaran  province the level of effective factors in QWL there is differences between male and female directors and only in two factors, constitutionalism in wok organization and the social relevance of work life among the eight factors in QWL. The level of of constitutionalism in wok organization from the view of women directors is in higher level rather than men directors and the level of the social relevance of work life from the view of men directors is in higher level rather than women directors. And there isn't any differences on the level of QWL according to major.
