With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of Economic, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A of Economic, Researcher, Tehran, Iran

3 M.A of Economic, Open and Distance Education Research Center of Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose: The purpose of the present study is identifying and evaluating the affecting factors on the research leadership style and management at Tehran province branch of Payame Noor University
Methodology: This research by descriptive - survey method. In this regard, 48 sub-components were identified by using the qualitative method based on theme analysis and they were classified in the form of eight main components (including prospect, teamwork continuous enabling, continuous improvement of performance, inspiring, team-building, deep attraction, continuous self-assessment, and coaching). According to Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.86), the questionnaire is consistency and reliability. Also, based on the results of first and second order confirmatory factor analysis, the conceptual model is an appropriate explanatory, in terms of all the main components and the related sub-components. In order to determine the weight of the components, pairwise comparisons were used.
Findings: The results show that the three components including prospect (0.4552), teamwork continuous enabling (0.1945)and the continuous improvement of performance (0.1893) have the most importance and the greatest impact on leadership and management of research. Finally.
Conclusion: based on the collected information, the university's research leadership style is an authoritarian leadership style and in some cases, it is combined with guiding leadership style


Main Subjects

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