With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master, Knowledge and Information Science, Isfahan Univercity, Iran

2 Professor, Knowledge and Information Science, Isfahan Univercity, Iran.

3 Master, Knowledge and Information Science, Isfahan Univercity of Medical ScienceT Iran


purpose: This study examines the role of librarians working in central libraries of medical universities type 1 in cooperation with a teacher is paid in connection with plagiarism.
Methodology: This method is analytical survey study and this study is applied. The questionnaire was standardized America Library Association. The population consisted of employees ofMedical Universities librarians type 1 are (110) people, sampling was a census. The sampling method was a census. Validity and content validity and reliability of the method using test-retest correlation coefficient of 78/0 was confirmed by the data collection practices and postal mail was sent. SPSS software to analyze the data descriptive statistics (mean,...) and inferential statistics (chi-square Chi-square) were performed.
Findings: Showed that the majority of librarians with teachers in order to prevent plagiarism is not necessary cooperation and information literacy classes and workshops have been held. It also asked the librarian between gender and work experience and education level they are related.
Conclusion: This study showed that librarians have little activity in the area of education and literacy. The workshops should be held to the librarian with their duties in the new era, so they can play an effective role in the prevention of plagiarism and keeps the scientific community for their loss. 


Main Subjects

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