With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D Student, Knowledge and Information Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to offer and provide strategic planning in central library and documentation center of Kharazmi University based on SWOT analysis.
Methodology: Based on the purpose, the paper is going to discuss vision, mission statement, and values of central university libraries. Then, we extracted four main factors in SWOT analysis: two internal factors (i. e. strengths and weaknesses) and two external factors (opportunities and threats) via interview that lead to the identification of ten strategies in central library and documentation center of Kharazmi University. At the end, some suggestions have been made to be sure that desirable execution, evaluation, and supervision would be made on these strategic plans.
Findings: In this research, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of central library of Kharazmi University were identified by asking open questions from the librarians and stuff. Mutual connection of strengths and weaknesses, in one hand and opportunities and threats, on the other hand, were lead to ten main strategies.
Conclusion: Taking into account the internal and external factors and trying to reduce the weaknesses and gaps and reinforce the strengths and abilities and considering opportunities and threats, university libraries can expect efficient services and develop their goals and mission


Main Subjects

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