With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Instructor of Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor of Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Kharazmi University, Thran, Iran.


Purpose: With the appearance of a smartphone as a portable and powerful tool in the new technology and popularity of it, it is necessary for libraries and especially academic libraries for keeping pace with new technology,pay attention to offering their services to by it.In this paper, the feasibility of the use of the smartphone in academic libraries for their services from point of view of librarian was investigated.
Methodology: The population of this paper is 11 academic library and 79 librarian that work there.Data was gathered by checklist and questioner and was analyzed by SPSS.
Finding: Finding showed that academic libraries do not have enough software and hardware equipment for offering their services by a smartphone. They have enough budget for buying technology equipment but they do not have necessary budget for training it to librarian and users.Also they do not have enough professional librarians for using a smartphone. Most of librarian (73.3) want to use smart phone for different services and they like to use it more for circulation.
Conclusion: Academic libraries must provide better condition in software and hardware equipment until they can use a smartphone for their services.Also they must have a specific budget for training new technology like a smartphone to their librarians and their users.They also must pay more attention to the employment of professional librarians for better service.Most librarians desire to use smartphone very for their different services especially the circulation services and for this reason they must provide suitable condition like SMS panel for offering this service.


Main Subjects

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