With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


Asisstant Prof, Department of Knowledeg and Information Science, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


The main purpose of this study is to investigate encouraging and discouraging factors of reading habits among users of the public libraries in Mashhad. This practical research was conducted through a descriptive survey method. To collect the research information questionnaire was used. The statistic population of the research was selected from all the users of the public libraries of Mashhad which were about fifty thousand individuals. Our findings show that 7.43 of the population believes that encouragement from parents is the most important factor to develop a reading habit. The select most significant elements were teaching the proper method to study 7.37 and the third important factor was the existence of necessary and suitable resources in the library 7.35 Discouragement factors include using social media 11.47 and not having enough motivation to study 11.32. The result of this research indicates that fortunately the importance of reading is accepted by most people, with different social classes and incomes. Moreover, attention to study and resources in libraries shows that people are paying more attention to the role of libraries than in previous years.


Main Subjects

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