With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor of Department of Management, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: The aim of research examining the role of knowledge in the market of technology commercialization through identifying and Foundation products ranking factors affecting commercialization technology platform in the market.
Methodology; In this study, qualitative research methods (Delphi) and obtaining the opinion of experts the field to achieve the technology of component dimensions and influencing the market in the context of technology commercialization.
Findings: After the identification of the agents, in the form of a questionnaire distributed among the population, the component identified by the exploratory factor analysis rating. The results of the exploratory factor analysis showed that among the 43 identified effective index index in the commercialization of knowledge in the context of Foundation products after market fan spin variables, eventually operating detected 9 that in the total percentage of the variance of the jurist manmodend 80.738.
Conclusion: The results showed That "Technoligy marketing", "consulting and technology transfer" and legal supply and financial factors to the rank order of the role of the market in technology commercialization is the founder of knowledge products. The results of the findings also show that the factors of "technology marketing (17.574 percent of total variance)," "consulting and technology transfer (15.674 total variance)," and "legal and financing factors (11.773 total variance) "As the first to third factors, have had the greatest impact on the commercialization of knowledge-based products in the marketplace.


Main Subjects

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