With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Center for Information Technology, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge & Information Science, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Phd Student of PhD Student of Knowledge & Information Science, Alzahra University and head of Standard Office, Iran Public Libraries Foundation


Purpose: The use of the rules of description and access to the source (RDA), as the new rules of cataloging, and in accordance with the new environment and sources of information, are indispensable. The purpose of this research is to identify the possibility of using RDA in the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization based on the consistency of bibliographic records prepared in Simorgh software with RDA.
Methodology: The present study is an applied research and has been carried out in a comparative and analytical survey. A total of 210 Persian bibliographic records were reviewed on the subject of agricultural inputs in the library software used in the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization.
Findings:The results showed that the differences with RDA were 45.56 percent, followed by typing and spelling errors of 33.75%, negligence in entering information by 21 percent, and cataloging forms with 8.1 percent in the records and lack of data entry. The right fields were 3.79 percent. Using the results of this study, an appropriate field for planning for the use of RDA is provided. Doing such research is recommended by the Strategic Committee of RDA, and the results will be useful for international cooperation in this regard.
Conclusion: In the end, a proposed model for the use of RDA was presented at the Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization.


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