With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Expert in the Documentations & Archives of the National Library and Archives, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Science, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Purpose knowledge sharing is considered as one of the key factors in the successful implementation of KM. Managers are always faced with the question of what to do about the behavior of employee knowledge sharing The purpose of this research is to evaluate effective methods for knowledge sharing of the staff of the National Archives of Iran.
MethodologyThis This research is a descriptive survey and carried out using a questionnaire. To measure the reliability was used Cronbach's alpha coefficient. The statistical population of this study is 248 staff of the National Archive of Iran. Using Cochran's formula, 151 of them were selected as samples.
Findings: The results indicate that knowledge sharing methods have a positive effect on the tendency to share knowledge and knowledge sharing behavior. Research findings also show that" PeerAssistant", "conference and gathering," and "Team Work" methods of interest, and "seminars" and "Community Of Practice" are less desirable ways for Iranian National Archives staff to share knowledge.
Conclusion: The methods of sharing the knowledge of employees as one of the key and important factors in the occurrence of knowledge sharing behavior play a role in providing this factor which can contribute to the behavior of knowledge sharing and only some of the methods of knowledge sharing are of interest to employees. Therefore, the use of knowledge sharing methods that is more in the interest of individuals will better lead to the behavior of knowledge sharing.


Main Subjects

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