With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Msc. Department of Knowledge and Information Sciences and Expert in the Office of Documents and Scientific Resources of the Communication and Information Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Knowledge and Information Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The present study studies the most important maturity models in the field of information technology. This study introduces the optimal model for measuring IT maturity in Iranian organizations by Gartner method. According to criteria such as comprehensiveness of the model and application at the strategic level, to achieve a higher stage of maturity, the Gartner model of maturity model in Iranian organizations (case study of the document organization) is proposed.
Methodology: The data collection tool was based on the type of sampling and questionnaire. In this research, it has been structured by sampling 64 components of information technology maturity, zones and other governmental and non-governmental organizations, including specialized, public, academic and educational libraries. The criterion of survey analysis is used on a systematic plan and the results of the survey are from the results and the results are from the results. Findings: percent and 5 percent of the population. You have Results: They are at a lower than average level at level 1 of maturity (awareness). Also, the maturity component is classified into 26 identical groups.
Conclusion: This component test is divided into three categories less than the mean (significant) of the (dar), in ﺎ The balance sheet weighs more than a quarter of an ounce's weight. level above the average level of active (3 maturity) active, with 95 degrees and 5 degrees in this group in Gartner's method is based on the weight of government values and the principle of orthodoxy


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