With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Department of Agriculture, Tarbiat Madras University, Tehran. Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Agriculture, Saravan Higher Education Complex, Saravan, Iran.


Purpose: Due to the importance of knowledge and information in the development of the agricultural sector, many specialists and experts have a special emphasis on recognizing information resources and their proper use and having the desired information-seeking behavior. In this regard, this study was conducted to investigate the ideas related to the information-seeking behavior of greenhouse farmers in Varamin city in Tehran province.
Methodology:  This is an applied    research and from the method poin of view, is descriptive-survey. The statistical population of this research includes all greenhouse owners in Varamin (N = 320). Based on Morgan's table, a sample of 175 people were selected and studied. The data collection Cronbach's alpha coefficient (a >0.7) for different parts of the questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using Spss22 statistical software and appropriate statistical methods.
Findings: Findings of the study indicated that 46.2% of greenhouse owners use intermediate level, 43.4% low level and only 10.3% of them use information and communication sources and channels at a high level. Also, according to the research results, it was found that among newspapers and educational and promotional publications had the highest rankings, respectively. The results of communication resources and channels and information needs.
Conclusion: Based on findings, it was concluded that in order to strengthen the information-seeking behavior of greenhouse owners, use of information resources and channels - Provide communication.


Main Subjects

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