With the joint cooperation of Payam Noor University and the Scientific Association of Iran Public Library Advancement

Document Type : Research Paper


Associate Professor, Department of Knowledeg and Information Science, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the status of study among working women and housewives in East of the country.
Methodology: This practical research was conducted through survey method. The statistical population of the research is 812 individuals selected from working women and housewives aged 25-65 years old .
Findings: Based on the findings of this study, there is no difference in rate of reading and topics of interest (except health) among housewives and working women. It is also revealed that women are more interested in novels (working women 3/81 and housewives 3/69), healthcare (working women 3/73 and housewives 3/49), psychology (working women 3/64 and housewives 3/56), and are less interested in politics, literature history and philosophy. Women spend the most of their leisure reading time on useful information on the internet and virtual networks, and the least on compact discs and television Teledex. Women were mainly discouraged from studying by busy lifestyles, lack of time, existence of other Medias such as satellite television, television and internet, and not having plans for work or daily life. The most significant element to boost the study rate among women was the increase of general knowledge (working women 6/71 and housewives 6/94) while the least important factors were filling their free time, improve social status and raise the income (for both groups(
Conclusion: This study is one of the few studies, which investigates the status of study rate among working women and housewives in east of the country. Its results, therefore, can help authorities and officials to identify and prioritize the most important executive solutions and to adopt appropriate strategies and eventually led to the development, growth, and physical and mental health of women.


Main Subjects

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