Research Paper
Digital Knowledge Management
Davood Rafiei; Peyman Akhavan; Alireza Jahani
Volume 5, Issue 2 , August 2018, Pages 11-24
Purpose: The important issue before the Knowledge Management deployment is to identify and prioritize the factors affect the level of organizational readiness for implementing the project. To adopt Knowledge Management in Iranian organizatiosn, effective implementation factors of Knowledge Management ...
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Purpose: The important issue before the Knowledge Management deployment is to identify and prioritize the factors affect the level of organizational readiness for implementing the project. To adopt Knowledge Management in Iranian organizatiosn, effective implementation factors of Knowledge Management need to be identified. Hence, the main aim of this study, in order to establish an integrated system of Knowledge Management, is to propose a model to assess the level of readiness for Knowledge Management in Iranian organizations. Methodology: This research consists of two parts; the first is a combination of quantitative methods, and the second is a discussion about exploratory interviews with experts on Knowledge Management. Then, the obtained data of these interviews are coded and classified. Finally, the initial model of this research with 8 main components and 43 sub-components is designed. The research tool for this part is a questionnaire with 55 questions. The internal consistencies of the answers to the questionnaire are measured by Cronbach's alpha coefficient, 0.97. Findings: In this study, the coefficient R2 structural model of endogenous latent variables (dependent) of the model, with the top 0.67 is approved as a strong model. GOF indicators are tested to assess and measure both structural and measurement model together with the amount of 0.87 which confirms the overall fitness model pretty well. Conclusion: The results are analyzed by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and the proposed model with 8 dimensions is approved. The main components include organizational culture, organizational structure, technology, leadership, human resources, competitive position, and social conditions.
Research Paper
data mining
Hasan Darvish; Nargs khaki
Volume 5, Issue 2 , August 2018, Pages 25-34
Purpose: The aim of present research is to determine staff educational requirements of payame noor University head. Methodology: The parameters in this research are career knowledge career skills & career abilities. Research method is survey base and descriptive. Statistical population sample includes ...
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Purpose: The aim of present research is to determine staff educational requirements of payame noor University head. Methodology: The parameters in this research are career knowledge career skills & career abilities. Research method is survey base and descriptive. Statistical population sample includes official staff total 500 in which from this number total 60 valid questionnaire have been gathered. The outcomes in this research analysed with O'net model. Findings: Based on the findings of the research on the training required for occupational skills, the highest percentage of employees (35%) have suggested job-related vocational training, including the training required for job skills. 15% of employees in the field of day-to-day information education, 40% considered necessary education, beliefs, seven-level subsidies, and basic education (10% each). Conclousion: The result show that that training employees during Their career would highly affect on their knowledge improments but still There is long way to go.
Research Paper
Mohamad Khaledian; Ehsan Esmaeilpour
Volume 5, Issue 2 , August 2018, Pages 35-46
Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction, professional ethics and conflict management at among librarians of public libraries of Tehran city was done. Methodology: The research universe consisted of among librarians of public libraries in Tehran, who are studying ...
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Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction, professional ethics and conflict management at among librarians of public libraries of Tehran city was done. Methodology: The research universe consisted of among librarians of public libraries in Tehran, who are studying in the year 2017. In this research, the number of 100 librarians was selected through convenience sampling method. To collect data, professional ethics Questionnaire, conflict management styles Questionnaire (CMSQ), and Job satisfaction Questionnaire were used and to statistically analyze data, Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and inferential statistics (Pearson correlation coefficient and multiple regressions) was applied. The method was one of correlation that falls into applied researches. Findings: findings revealed that there was a significant and positive relationship between professional ethics and Job satisfaction (0/391), the results also showed that conflict management and job satisfaction (-0/218), and between conflict management and Professional ethics (-0/315) there is a significant negative relationship. Regression analysis showed that job satisfaction 4/8 percent of the predicted changes conflict management, and Professional ethics 10% of the predicted changes conflict management. Discussion and Conclusion: It is concluded that there is a relationship between job satisfaction, professional ethics and conflict management in librarians of public libraries.
Research Paper
Digital Knowledge Management
Peyman Akbari
Volume 5, Issue 2 , August 2018, Pages 47-62
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide a suitable model for effective factors in the establishment of SKM system in Payam Noor University of the West. Methodology: The present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature and method, survey, descriptive-analytical. The statistical ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to provide a suitable model for effective factors in the establishment of SKM system in Payam Noor University of the West. Methodology: The present research is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature and method, survey, descriptive-analytical. The statistical population in the quantitative section includes 425 scientific members of Payame Noor University of West Country (Kermanshah, Hamedan, Kurdistan and Ilam). Using Cochran formula, 202 individuals were selected as sample. In the qualitative section, 30 experts were selected. Using interviews and Delphi techniques, factors affecting the establishment of the SKM system at Payame Noor University were identified. Findings: Effective factors were classified in nine main groups (knowledge processes, information technology, organizational culture, organizational climate, organizational learning, social capital, human resources, organizational innovation, leadership and commitment), and the research model was developed. Then, the questionnaire was distributed among the statistical population and analyzed using SMART-PLS. Validity (confirmatory factor analysis) and reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient) of the questionnaires indicated that the measurement tools have good validity and reliability. Discussion and Conclusion: The results of hypothesis testing using t-test and path coefficients (β) showed that 9 factors have a positive and significant relationship with strategic knowledge management.
Research Paper
Ali Akbar Khasseh; Roozbeh Habibi
Volume 5, Issue 2 , August 2018, Pages 63-78
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge structure in Entrepreneurship research using co-word analysis, to identify top authors in the field by number of articles, number of citations, and h-index, and to visualize the international collaboration network in it. Methodology: ...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the knowledge structure in Entrepreneurship research using co-word analysis, to identify top authors in the field by number of articles, number of citations, and h-index, and to visualize the international collaboration network in it. Methodology: Social network analysis, citation analysis, and co-occurrence analysis are used in conducting this research. The research population consists of articles published in the field of entrepreneurship that have been indexed in Web of Science in the last 20 years (1997-2016) Findings: Results indicated that Iran’s international research on entrepreneurship has grown steadily during the last decades. Co-word analysis showed that “Entrepreneurship”, “SMEs”, and “Innovation” are the most frequent keywords in this research area. Moreover, “Entrepreneurship-Innovation”, “Entrepreneurship-self employment”, and “Entrepreneurship-economic development” are top co-words in this field. Results of cluster analysis led to the creation of 7 topical clusters in entrepreneurship research. Furthermore, data analysis uncovered that “Wright M” is the most prolific, “Shane S” is the most cited, and again “Wright M” has the highest h-index among all entrepreneurship researchers. Also, based on co-authorship indicators, “Wright M” owns the best position in the network. Conclusions: According to the results of this research, it seems that since 1990s, the emergence and development of World Wide Web has had a positive impact of the growth of research in entrepreneurship. On the other hand, thematic clusters can give a macro view of topics in entrepreneurship. Finally, based on integrative indicators, it can be stated that “Wright M” is the most influential researcher in entrepreneurship during past 20 years.
Research Paper
soraya ziaei; jamileh shahbakhsh; majid mostafaei Darmiany
Volume 5, Issue 2 , August 2018, Pages 79-90
purpose: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between critical thinking skills and reading habits among students of Sistan and Baluchestan University in 1393-1393. Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 237 students who studied at Sistan and ...
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purpose: The present study was conducted to investigate the relationship between critical thinking skills and reading habits among students of Sistan and Baluchestan University in 1393-1393. Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 237 students who studied at Sistan and Baluchestan University in 2012-2013. Data were collected by Critical Thinking Skills and PSSHI Questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured using SPSS. Descriptive and analytical methods were used to answer research questions and test hypotheses. Findings: The findings of this study showed that there is no significant difference between the mean reading habits and the critical thinking among male and female students. According to Friedman's ranking, Between the components of habit to study, the highest rank was related to the memory component and the lowest rank for time division. Critical thinking studies also showed that the highest mean among the components of this variable is related to the component of innovation and this is where the Friedman test rankings have the highest rank for this component. Conclusion: Spearman correlation test results showed that there is a significant relationship between the variables of critical thinking and reading habits, and there is a positive and significant correlation. So far, research on the relationship between critical thinking skills and reading habits has not been done